History of the CRJC
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The concept of developing a Canadian RJ organization was first discussed at a plenary during the National RJ Symposium in Ottawa in 2005. This discussion was documented and expanded upon in a discussion paper, published in November 2007 by the Steering Committee for the CRJC. From 2007-2008, the Steering Committee spearheaded a consultation process to determine whether there was need for a national RJ organization. Three central themes which emerged from this consultation indicated that CRJC should: support RJ agencies and groups, respect the autonomy of local, regional and provincial RJ groups and networks, and prioritize inclusivity in the development and establishment of the organization.
Based on these themes and feedback gathered throughout the consultation process, the vision, mission, values, principles and goals of the CRJC were created. Details on the consultation process, feedback gathered, and the work of the CRJC Steering Committee are documented in the 2011 CRJC proposal document.
The first meeting of the initial CRJC Board of Directors was held in Winnipeg on March 23rd-24th, 2012. The Board of Directors continues to operate as a volunteer “working board”, providing leadership and direction as well as coordinating and undertaking tasks and activities of the CRJC.
CRJC Documents
Annual General Meeting Documents (February 27th 2024)
Discussion Paper on the Potential Development of a CRJC (Nov. 2007)
Report on the 2007-2008 Consultation (October 2009)
Report on the Winnipeg Meeting (June 2010)
Subcommittee Suggestions for the CRJC (April 2011)
Proposal for the CRJC (September 2011)